Contact Us

Request a FREE Consultation

Acclaim Telecom Services would be happy to consult with you for a no obligation conversation about your IVR needs. We will forward your request to the appropriate contact within Acclaim Telecom Services. Our industry experts are here to help you in defining your IVR and Mobile application needs. It is simple to begin a dialog with us.

  • Need a budgetary quote? We can provide one at no cost.
  • If a discovery process is required, we will assist you.
  • Need a fixed-price professional service contract? We have a dedicated professional services staff to work with you.
  • Just need a better understanding of IVR applications, we are happy to see how we can help you.
  • Upon request, Acclaim Telecom Services can provide project plans, call flow analysis, specification services, project management, and special needs discovery. Depending on the level of initial analysis required, there may be charges incurred for these services. We will provide a detailed quote before you incur any charges.

Just fill out the form with a brief description of your needs or request, and we will reply promptly.

Acclaim Telecom Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 850214
Richardson, Texas 75085
Sales Contact

Technical Support Contact

Free Consultation